Operate your charging stations on your parking lot

Whether you are a store, supermarket, hotel, restaurant, small or large company, or a local authority, you can operate your charging stations on your parking lot.

A new revenue stream

By the end of 2023, France surpassed the milestone of one million electric vehicles registered. According to a survey, 70% of customers are likely to return to a store with charging stations on its parking lot. Besides contributing to the energy transition, having an electric vehicle charging station on your parking lot now offers a significant advantage for your customers and employees.


Request a quote

If you need a solution to operate your charging stations on the public or private parking lot of your business or community, request a quote. Our sales team will contact you promptly to support your project effectively.

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Offers tailored for businesses and local authorities

Freshmile is a leader in the installation and operation of electric vehicle charging stations.