Going on holiday with an electric vehicle, good practices
"Is it possible to make long journeys in a 100% electric vehicle?" The answer is yes! Thanks to the autonomy of the batteries, which can go up to 750 km and the charging stations that are being deployed throughout France, travelling by electric car has never been so easy.

How to know if your electric vehicle is suitable for long journeys
Since the end of the 2010s, electric vehicles have adapted to long journeys: their batteries are larger, which allows them to have a longer driving autonomy (between 300 and 400 km for city electric cars with an option and up to 750 km for the most recent models, for example). In addition, access to fast charging is developing: the objective of installing fast and ultra-fast charging stations at all motorway service areas is on the way to being achieved, since charging stations of at least 150 kW will be available every 60 km along the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) on the French side from the summer of 2023 (source: Avere-France).
You can use any type of electric vehicle for long journeys. You just need to adapt your route to your vehicle and plan the necessary charging times.
Check in advance for charging points at your destination
Find out where the charging stations for your electric vehicle are located in your final destination before you go on holiday. To do this, you can use the map of charging stations on the Freshmile app: you will find all the stations corresponding to your vehicle in a defined area thanks to the search bar.
Prepare your journey well
The app provides the Itinerary feature. It allows you to get to your destination using a route optimised for your electric vehicle.
- Itinerary: in the Itinerary tab of the drop-down menu, specify your starting location and your arrival location with the current battery level for the departure and the desired battery level for the arrival. You can add stops to your journey by selecting "Add step".
- Your vehicle: for a journey as close as possible to what you want, remember to add the model of your vehicle. In the "My vehicle" section, enter the make and model of your electric vehicle. You can then save it and give it a name (useful if you want to register several electric vehicles).
- Advanced settings: personalise your journey by specifying your driving style and the different route preferences.
Depending on your journey, your vehicle and your wishes, the app provides you with the most suitable route.
Buy a Freshmile Pass
Pour recharger votre véhicule électrique, Freshmile recommande l'utilisation du Pass de recharge. Il est simple d'utilisation et vous permet d'accéder à plus de 250 000 bornes en France et en Europe. Grâce au lecteur RFID installé sur les bornes de recharge, il vous suffit de le présenter pour vous identifier puis de démarrer la recharge. Pour le commander, rendez-vous dans la boutique en ligne.
To recharge your electric vehicle, Freshmile recommends the use of the Charging Pass. It is easy to use and allows you to access more than 250,000 charging stations in France and Europe. Thanks to the RFID reader installed on the charging stations, you just have to present it to identify yourself and then start charging. To order it, go to the online shop.
What's in it for us
You can travel long distances with an electric vehicle. With Freshmile, go on holiday with peace of mind. The Freshmile app accompanies you: you can plan your itinerary, bookmark the charging stations at your destination and access the charging during your stay.